Who would have thought that a total impulse purchase of a pair of weathered turquoise Laredo Maddox cowboy boots (that looked so delicious online and were such a bargain) would turn out to be one of my emerging wardrobe staple items as we head (hopefully) into spring, but that is exactly what is playing-out over here. In writing this post, I realized that these are on sale for even less than I got them for (doh!), so if you like 'em, get 'em while you can.
As it turns out, this shade of boot is actually sort of a neutral when you pair it with denim. It's lighter than black, less expected than brown or tan, and looks pretty darn cool as it weathers. Here I've paired it with a thrifted top (tunic? dress? Who really knows!) that I found at Goodwill the last time I was home in Wisconsin. I wear this outfit a lot when I'm bumming around in the city. Sure, it's not the most urban chic look in the universe, but it's comfortable, and it weathers the storm(s) of the Scottish climate. And yes, I do mean that literally.
I was also pleased to have an excuse to trot-out this turquoise chip bead necklace that I made for my Etsy shop, then promptly kept because I liked it so much. But don't worry, this was the first of its kind, so if you like it, by the time you will be reading this, I will have undoubtedly made a few more to add to the shop. And I will have gotten better at it too, so there's that.

Laredo Maddox boots as above / Spanx denim leggings (US), similar (UK) / thrifted tunic, similar (UK), similar (US) / turquoise chip bead necklace from my Etsy shop / Nicky Butler gemstone cluster ring (old), similar / turquoise east west ring (old), similar (UK), similar (US)