It had been a while since I'd shot an outfit of the day post, so naturally I got all ready, got out the DSLR, set up the tripod, then pffft. Dead battery. There was rain on the very near horizon (because Scotland), so today's brief post is brought to you courtesy of my iPhone.
This is a Lilly Pulitzer romper that I found on sale at the end of last season in Tampa. I'm not sure why I thought I even needed to bring it back to Scotland with me, as this is certainly not the kind of thing you can get much wear out of (or really, probably any) in the Highlands, but apparently I had some reason for doing so. But it will be going back to Florida, probably next month. In summer, and I'm talking about properly hot summer here, I like things that are easy. One piece - preferably in a strong color or print so you don't have to wear a lot of jewellery or makeup. The older I get, the more I'm turning into a "one and done" kind of a gal. That said, onesies, rompers, playsuits...whatever you want to call them - they can be problematic. When you are tall and long-waisted, they tend to fit in a way that renders your, um...Southern Hemisphere into a shape resembling a distal digit on a certain dromedary mammal. You know what I mean. Don't make me say it. Also, when you're out at a bar or restaurant and need to use the facilites, you are basically sitting there stripped naked from your neck to your knees. It gives you a lot of time to reflect on your choices, sartorial or otherwise.
Despite these pitfalls, I still really like the idea of a one piece garment, so when I finally found one that actually fitted my long torso, I pulled the trigger. Just a few touches of gold, in this case a bracelet, simple pair of earrings, and some thrifted gold leather heeled sandals, and done.

Lilly Pulitzer Karlie romper (last season) / thrifted gold leather sandals