Hello Dear readers. It's been a minute. This is just a quickie post to inform you that I will be closing down one of my online shops, HF Mercantile, imminently. I hemmed and hawed about this, because I honestly really enjoy running that shop, but it all just boiled down to time. So don't worry. There's been no disaster, I am not clinging to financial ruin or dangling from a ledge (well, no more than I do in the course of a normal day), It really was just the need to free-up time to complete the projects that I have going.
The largest of said projects is the completion of my first full-length novel, which will be the first in a series of at least two books. I am hoping this will be available by the end of the month! The link to the website and information below for those of you who enjoy historical fiction, romance, and a bit of intrigue. You'll also notice that author "Kendall Brooks" looks an awful lot like Kristin from Highland Fashionista. How very uncanny. But in all seriouslness, the reason for the nom de plume is that there is a lot of writing out there with my name on it; from nursing articles to freelance projects and even a few published short plays. I didn't want someone searching for a particular genre of book to plug in the author's name only to have the search engines spit back some article I co-wrote about how to travel with a urostomy bag or some such thing.
The Highland Fashionista blog will remain right where it is, as will my vintage shop on Etsy. Like I said, I will miss curating HF Mercantile, but it was a time consuming venture, I am but one woman, and these books are not going to write themselves!
Please feel free to reach out to me any time here on the blog, via my Etsy shop, or on the Kendall Brooks (wink wink) author website—link provided below!